Chad Little
Artificial Realism

Like the rest of his creations, Little's paintings are fascinating in their imaginativeness and boldness


By stripping down shapes, forms, and colors to their essence, Little captures raw emotion and invites viewers to question how far abstraction can be pushed while still retaining self-recognition. Emphasizing the creation of idealized versions of ourselves, the artist's pieces are imbued with hope and a sense of control amidst chaos. These works incorporate dream-like reflective elements that transport viewers into a realm of introspection and wonder.
"I’m crafting a sanctuary where these characters—and by extension, myself—can exist freely, unbound by constraints of our world."
Little is a distinguished technology entrepreneur and self-taught painter. Since 2016, his work has been recognized in numerous publications, both domestically and internationally. His paintings have been prominently featured in solo exhibitions across the United States and in Basel, Switzerland, captivating audiences with his unique blend of technology and art.
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